Job description and its 7 contents
Definition or meaning of Job description
Job description is the requirement of the job. it is necessary to prepare job description before a vacancy is advertised. It tells in brief the nature and type of job. Mainly job description document describes
- What is to be done?
- How it is to be done?
- Why it is to be done?
To make job description document more meaningful the hr department may invite job description from the workers, foreman and supervisors.
Contents of job description
1) Job title: first of all the job description document must describes the job title. It must be short, definite and suggestive of the nature of job.
2) Job location: it means the name of department where the job exists.
3) Job summary: it means a short summary of the task to be performed by the employee.
4) Job duties: job description document should include the percentage of time that is devoted to the performance of each task.
5) Equipments, machines and tools: equipments, machines and tools to be used in the job should be written in the job description document.
6) Relation to other jobs: relation to other jobs will help the organization to understand the nature of the job.
7) Nature of supervision: job description must include the nature of supervision it includes.
8) Working environment: the working conditions, hazards involve in the job must be mentioned in the job description document.
This is the definition of job description and its contents